Wlug May 16 2001
Road Map
- Ipchains revisited
- Phase 1:Crawl before walk
- A Simple Case
- Prerequisites
- Finding the DHCP address
- Barebones ipchains
- Starting point
- Set a policy for forward chain
- Now add the masquerade
- Phase 2: Pull up the drawbridges
- /etc/inetd.conf
- Phase 3: Testing
- Phase 4: On to greater things
- Appendix: Script example
- Script example, con't
- Script example con't
- Script example con't
Phase 1:Crawl before walk
- The secret of success:
- Start with the simplest case.
- Then, once it is in hand, superimpose frills stepwise
A Simple Case
- A network behind a Linux box firewall
- DHCP broadband connection
- Users on network need only email and browsing
- Linux box not running Xwindows
- No servers for users outside local network.
- Make sure kernel is set up for masquerading:
- depmod - a
- modprobe ip_masq_user
- modprobe ip_masq_ftp
- modprobe ip_masq_irc
- modprobe ip_masq_raudio
- modprobe ip_masq_cuseeme
- echo "1">/proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
- echo "1">/proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_always_defrag
- echo "1">/proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_dynaddr
- Ipchains - M - S 3600 10 50 (setting timeouts)
Finding the DHCP address
- Classic Unix!
- Look in ifconfig output: ifconfig
- Pipe to grep: |grep - A 2 "eth0"
- Pipe to awk: |awk '/inet/ {print $2}'
- Pipe to sed: |sed - e s/addr://
- Put it all together and put result in an environmental variable:
- IPADDR =" `ifconfig|grep - A 2 "eth0"|awk '/inet/ {print $2}' \ |sed - e s/addr:// ` "
- (For reference, output of ifconfig looks like:
- eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:E0:98:05:7B:0F
- inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
- etc )
Barebones ipchains
- There are three basic chains:
Starting point
- To see where you start, type
- ipchains - L
- to get an output like
- Chain input (policy ACCEPT):
- Chain forward (policy ACCEPT):
- Chain output (policy ACCEPT):
Set a policy for forward chain
- Type
- ipchains =---P forward DENY
- and now ipchains --L will show
- Chain input (policy ACCEPT):
- Chain forward (policy DENY):
- Chain output (policy ACCEPT):
Now add the masquerade
- Type (all on one line):
- ipchains =---A forward
- --- -s
- - j MASQ
- and now ipchains --L will add
- target prot opt source destination ports
- MASQ all - - - - - - localnet/24 anywhere n/a
- to that previous
- Chain forward (policy DENY):
Phase 2: Pull up the drawbridges
- Disable ports/services you do not need.
- Examples:
- ftp (port 21) ident (113)
- telnet (23) netbios (139)
- smtp (25) http (180)
- pop3 (110) imap (123)
- finger (79)
- (If needed later, can be activated at that time
- along with appropriate ipchains rules.)
- Here is where you can disable ports/services.
- S imply "comment out" lines of unneeded/risky
- services. For example, change a line like:
- ftp stream tcp nowait root /usr/sbin/tcpd in.ftpd
- to
- #ftp stream tcp nowait root /usr/sbin/tcpd in.ftpd
- then, when all such entries are made,
- inform the inet daemon, inetd, with
Phase 3: Testing
- Now, from a browser on a box inside the
- network, go to
- http://www.grc.com
- and click on Shields Up, then Test my shields.
- When that reports back, click Probe my ports.
- You get a report of holes you may have left in
- your defenses.
Phase 4: On to greater things
- At this point, your network boxes should be
- able to send/receive email and browse the web.
- If you now wish to add fancier services, do it
- one at a time. Reactivate in /etc/inetd.conf
- and then add appropriate ipchains rules to
- minimize added risk.
- ( See appendix for sample script illustrating the general idea.)
Appendix: Script example
Script example, con't
Script example con't
Script example con't