#!/bin/sh # Prepare a printable list of keysigning participants. # Useful for the party organiser. # # $Id: gpgparticipants 364 2008-03-05 16:15:28Z thijs $ # # License: GPLv2 or later # Copyright Philippe Teuwen 2008 if [ $# -ne 5 ]; then cat <" "my party 08" EOF exit 0 fi input="$1" [ "$input" = "-" ] && input=""; output="$2" date="$3" org="$4" title=$(echo "$5"|tr a-z A-Z|sed 's/\(.\)/\1 /g') exec > "$output" # Date of event LANG=C date --date="$date" +"%A, %B %e, %Y; %H:%M" # Organiser contact printf "%80s\n\n\n" "$org" # Title printf "%*s\n\n" $(((72+$(echo "$title"|wc -c))/2)) "$title" # Header cat <